Three Zoom sessions in a 24 hour period.

I went to bed earlier than usual and got up around 12.30am my time for the first one at 1am. This was the first of a planned weekly session, Mineral Talks Live, organised by Bryan Swoboda of BlueCap Productions, and Dr. Raquel Alonso-Perez of The Mineralogical and Geological Museum at Harvard University. Elo茂se Gaillou of l鈥櫭塩ole des Mines de Paris showed us around the museum. One of the many highlights was the giant vivianite crystals! Back to bed at 2am. Next week, Rob Lavinsky. You can register here.

Up at 5.30am for the second one. Gerhard Brandstetter gave a presentation on minerals from the Austrian volcanics. The next one in a couple of weeks will be Doug Merson with a presentation on Summit Rock, Oregon. You can register your interest here.

The third one is 10pm tonight with the AIGS. Peter Lyckberg will be giving a talk on gem pegmatites.

Hey. I can have an afternoon nap if I want to. 馃榿

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