I have been asked to put together a photo essay for the next issue of the Australian Journal of Mineralogy magazine. I am in the process of selecting specimens to photograph that could form part of the article. This is one that may or may not make it.
Specimens of erythrite from Mt Cobalt in Queensland are fairly easily obtained as the deposit produced so many. However, most are simply acicular or fibrous sprays. Great colour, but not often good crystals. This specimen has been in my collection for a long time, and I recognised quite early that one of the crystals is bent (the largest one in this photo). What I didn’t realise is that my super macro reveals even more crystals that are also bent. If you look closely, you spot a few more in this photo.
I have a photo that was taken of this specimen back in 2006 (below) and when I compare that to now, I shudder!