Mineral of the Week…
…over at MeWe, the new Mineral of the Week is wulfenite! Header photo is wulfenite from the Jianshan Mine, Ruoqiang […]
2020 Onwards and Upwards
…over at MeWe, the new Mineral of the Week is wulfenite! Header photo is wulfenite from the Jianshan Mine, Ruoqiang […]
…in all things 😁 Can you see what I see? A Genie released from its lamp?
This week’s Mineral of the Week over on MeWe is prehnite. A poll has been set up to choose the […]
Edit: There was a label. But it was one label for half a dozen specimens. At least I know the […]
Another package arrived today. Sent from the US in early July, it took only a couple of weeks to reach […]
A package arrived today with three new species for my collection. One of them is lavoisierite, named after French chemist, […]
This week’s Mineral of the Week is chalcopyrite. Photo: Chalcopyrite, Clara Mine, Rankach valley, Oberwolfach, Wolfach, Black Forest, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. […]
Enjoying a bit of sunshine before a storm that’s on its way hits us. Appropriately listening to Sound Storm radio. […]
This week’s Mineral of the Week (MotW) only at MeWe, is cerussite. “Chrome Cerussite” from the Magnet Mine, near Waratah, […]
Getting quite a few people interested and posting on MeWe already. This after a few short days. This is a […]
This week’s Mineral of the Week (MotW) is rhodochrosite and in a new home. Now on MeWe.
And not from Broken Hill! Marshite is a rare copper iodide mineral, originally found at Broken Hill. There is one […]
Apparently, July is normally the coldest month of the year here. But the July just gone was warmer than usual. […]
This week’s Mineral of the Week is a zeolite mineral. Chabazite or gmelinite group species. Photo: Chabazite, Organ Pipes, Sydenham, […]
Photographed this very group of mineral species today. A polished sample that was analysed. A bit hard to work out […]
Today I had the pleasure of joining the New South Wales Mineralogical Society micro group Zoom meeting. Noel Kennon gave […]
This week’s Mineral of the Week is any mineral specimen with zoned crystals… Pale yellow to darker yellow/orange crystals of […]
A bit of colour this week at Mineral of the Week. Any blue mineral that begins with the letter “L”. […]
The mineral collecting world has lost another nice guy, Keith Hayes. So this week, in his memory, any mineral that […]
This week’s Mineral of the Week is fluorite… Subscribe to Dad Dad Diary.
I found out today that Joan Lamond passed away in March, almost reaching 100. Joan was a keen mineral collector, […]
Given the focus on pyrite over the last few days (The Micromount Club Zoom meeting) and the interest generated, pyrite […]
It exists! Really! A package from Canada arrived today. Posted March 3rd! And yes, rocks. 😁 Subscribe to Dad Dad […]
This week’s Mineral of the Week is any mineral where the Type Locality is in Mexico. The posts don’t have […]
A package arrived from the US today. It had been sitting somewhere in a transit depot for weeks with no […]
A stunning South African rhodochrosite specimen… A few internal rainbows too. Subscribe to Dad Dad Diary.
This week’s Mineral of the Week is opal. Any opal can be added. Precious opal. Hyalite opal. Jelly opal. Opalised […]
This Chinese native copper specimen is starting to alter to crystals of dark red cuprite. Going over to the dark […]
Repair. Verb. Restore (something damaged, faulty, or worn) to a good condition. Nature produces some fantastic mineral specimens. We usually […]
A neat specimen of pyrite after marcasite from Canada catalogued today… Subscribe to Dad Dad Diary.
Added a couple of wulfenite specimens to my catalogue today, from very different parts of the planet. One from Arizona, […]
Retook a photo of this specimen tonight. Amazing what 8 years can do. Here is the old one… Bit of […]
This week’s Mineral of the Week (MotW) is dioptase! Subscribe to Dad Dad Diary.
In these times of isolation, there is an opportunity to look back over things acquired, such as this gmelinite specimen […]
Erythrite from Bou Azzer, Morocco in the Pebble Collection. Click on the image or link below to see more details […]
In these times of isolation, there is ample opportunity to go back and look at (and maybe catalogue) boxes of […]